But anybody who knows Apple should know to pay attention to the little things. From the careful announcement phrasing — "fun" new products — to the very small-scale venue, it seemed pretty obvious that this was not the day that Apple will announce the Power Mac Hover Book Tablet Phone. (Which I can 100% confirm is real.)
That doesn't stop the "sell your Apple, it's all over!!!1" threads. And while it's marginally unfair to those threads, every time I read them, and the cyber-freakouts within, I can't help but do one thing:
I bust out Thread 500. Enjoy.
I was newly married when the iPod was introduced. I remember my wife mentioning something one day about whether I'd seen this new MP3 player that Apple had just produced. I remember hardly giving it a second though. Amazing.
The reaction to the announcements had me cracking up too. I mean, Apple was all like, okay, come on over if you feel like it, we'll have a couple little new things. Everyone decided "This Is It!!!!1!!1!" and was disappointed. Oh well.
"So, tell me what was going on in your life when you derided Apple's original iPod announcement."
"Well, things weren't going well at work, my wife had just left me...so many things. I guess I got so wrapped-up in the only thing in my life worth a damn, Apple, that I just expected them to release a device that would set my life right. I mean, this is fuckin' Steve Jobs for God's sake. And all I got was an MP3 player? FUCK!"
"Do you have any regrets?"
"Regrets? I guess. But I always remind myself that the experience made me who I am today, ya'know?"
It was the UI that made the apple work - all your songs at the tip of your thumb, specifications aside. Whats the UI here?
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