Upon hearing about Boot Camp here at Panic Labs, we immediately and excitedly downloaded, installed, and documented, and by "we" I mean "me, while everybody else in the office did actual work". Here's what I found.
Boot Camp is basically comprised of three separate pieces, like so much delicious neopolitan ice cream. First, a friendly installer (dropped in Applications/Utilities/) that helps you easily repartition your hard drive without having to reformat (a feature I'm hoping will sneak into Leopard's Disk Utility). Second, a CD-ROM of native Windows drivers for Intel Mac hardware (burned by said installer). Third, a brand new firmware for all Intel machines that will now happily boot and run any legacy BIOS-based Intel boot CD. Take these three pieces, roll them together and sprinkle them with a little cardamom, and you have a declicious and amazing multi-platform pie. Yes, pie and ice cream. Mmm.
After you've made your driver disk and repartitioned your drive, you simply boot the Windows XP SP2 install CD, just like you would on a PC. This process isn't very noteworthy, and is in fact really soul-crushingly long, so instead I'll just drop in some pictures here, and we can all share a good chuckle about the "most secure version of Internet Explorer to date". (Technically correct, I suppose!)
Once installation is complete: you've got Windows.
What next? First, you'll need to install the many drivers from the Boot Camp-generated CD, which happens automatically. Windows gripes about the Mobility Radeon driver not being "logo tested", but, like any good Windows user, you'll hit continue anyway. Once that driver installation is complete — and after the obligatory reboot — you'll probably notice a whole lot of new tray icons. One of those — the display-looking one — is unique and actually from Apple, as it controls the brightness of the LCD display.
There are a few more surprises in Control Panels. First, Apple has created their own Windows port of the venerable Startup Disk, which makes it very easy to switch back to Mac OS X booting without having to use the ol' Option key. You might also notice a weird SigmaTel Audio control panel for the built-in audio hardware: I only point this out because it contains this stunning piece of user interface design that we all sat back and admired for a few minutes. Arctic Tundra Groupbox! Jack Needs Attention.
Other than these bits and pieces, it's basically just Windows on a Mac, y'know?
Wait — what am I saying? It's Windows, running on a Macintosh. Seriously: whoah. It's like taking a freaky-bus ride to surreal-town while wearing rainbow-dipped trip-o-glasses, but it's also genuinely exciting. Look at it this way: if I keep a crappy PC around the office for one or two tasks (checking websites in IE and MAME management, basically) — and I'm a Macintosh software developer — then I can only imagine there are a lot of people out there in the world with their one or two PC hang-ons that find this software as exciting as I do.
Basically, there will only be one brand of computer in the world that will run both Windows and Mac OS X: a Macintosh.
Anyway, this is all well and good, but I know you only care about one thing. And that's really the entire purpose of this post. So how about we both stop pretending to care about all this blah-blah and just get right to it?
"Cabel," you ask, "how well does Half Life 2 run on an Intel iMac?"
Shockingly well. And I bring video proof, filmed right off our Intel iMac screen!
(And here's a lower quality YouTube mirror for those of you with Quicktime trouble.)
It's in my nature to be generally Apple-excited, but still I must say: hooray, Apple. If this is but a sweet, sweet taste of Leopard — eww — then August can't come soon enough.
I have only been 'thinking' about moving up to the intel mac (macbookpro).. but have yet to find enough reasons to upgrade. I'm moving to London in August, so i'll (hopefully) be picking up one in the States when i go through.
I used to be a both mac and windows user, but until late last year, after getting about half way through HL2, but PC burnt itself out - the cpu and motherboard were toast. So could never finish the game. I have thought about selling the game as i dont use it.. but now im keeping it!
woohoo, cheers again for your post and awesome video!
fingers crossed that Adobe bring out their creative suite sooner than later.
Your report and Apple. :)
Well, last month I got a MacBook Pro. But with all the reports of stores finally getting 360s in stock this week I've been very very tempted.
But then yesterday happened.
So on trip to Besy Buy last night and some time loading while watching Amzing Race and Lost, I tried Civ IV first. Worked perfect. Then Oblivion. Also worked great with all graphics on "high." I only played Oblivion for a few fifteen minutes, so I am still inside. There is a good chance frame rates will start to chug once I get outside with long draw distances and lots of foilage... but so far I am a very happy camper!
great video, can't believe the other commenter wants you to "zoom out and prove it" lame. it is obviously an imac, if you had one you would have already done it by now.
great job, awesome video!
I think that Jack is the king of the Arctic Tundra. Ice floe, nowhere to go. How the hell did that piece of GUI awfulness get past any type of quality control?
That, and any other x86 hardware that can run patched OS X. One brand of computer.
In Leopard you will be able to fast-user-switch between Windows and Mac OS X.
"Woup, woup, here is Mac, here is Windows" -- I already see Steve doing this.
diskutil resizeVolume
David Weiss
That Half-Life 2 video was quite incredible.
There was a video of Dog floating around last year or the year before, that, as far as I can remember, is frame for frame, what you just showed us.
Beau: I tried out Parallel's VM today, and it's certainly not for games. There's no 3D hardware acceleration, for example, in their virtualized video driver. It'll probably be good for light Windows tasks -- in fact it's really fast for general use -- but not yet for full on game action. (Plus the interface is really wonky.)
I think the video is interesting to Mac guys for a few reasons. One, it shows us the 3D graphics performance of the dual-core Intel iMacs when running Windows, something that hasn't been seen before, and it proves that fairly high-demand games run quite well. Two, it shows that the Boot Camp technology, well, actually works. And three, it's all about the shock value: those of us who have owned only Macintoshes for oh so very long, can now run all of those games we could never run before — it may be "just a PC", but this is kind of a mind-bender for us, so give us a moment or two. :)
Jobs, add an Intel NIC, a decent new sound card from Creative, a fanless *NVIDIA* card (instead of ATI with its asstastic windows-drivers), 1GB of RAM and price everything under a grand, I'll buy it immediately.
Jobs, add an Intel NIC, a decent new sound card from Creative, a fanless *NVIDIA* card (instead of ATI with its asstastic windows-drivers), 1GB of RAM and price everything under a grand, I'll buy it immediately.
Looks like you'll never be getting a Mac, you're not the target audience.
They're not going to hit 30% or anything, but suddenly it's not insane to think they could hit 5% and then 10%.
As for cheap machines: Apple has never bothered themselves with razor thin margins. Now they'll be making enough money from the mid and high end to be able to ignore the low end.
Except it has no BIOS.
man we think alike. The first thing I installed on my mbp was steam, it was a long download that kept me wondering, how will it play. I haven't had too much time other than to bootup the console and fire up one of the city 17 levels. So much fun.
I tried out Parallel's as well. Too many options these days for the intel mac owners I tell ya. It needs some work, but man it was a fast install, and it is quite speedy. Wanting sound support. Definitely not game worthy though. Need to start preloading Sin Episodes. Doesn't come out til next month but hopefully my Brain Age will be close to 20 by then....
Did you try any other non Source Steam games - Day of Defeat in particular? That is still about the only online game I play. Would love to know if that one works :)
Great job - this so frigging rocks!!!
This is the best thing Apple has ever done in my opinion -- I've been waiting for ever to bring my MS Project home and on the road without needing to give up my Mac (not to mention Half Life 2).
Fast-user switching between Mac OS & Windows would be pure icing, and being able to copy and paste from each would be sprinkles.
RAM, CPU and Graphics card to be able to run Half life 2 that awesome...?
Got it for about £1k, time to load on Half life 2 and Unreal,
Thanks Caleb for the video ;) .
- Reece
But hell, i dont see the point of emulating it if you can get a better PC (in terms of hardwarre) for a much cheaper price than a mac. Really that confuses me unless if the people have no cash. Although i agree Windows aint the best, they are the leaders and emulating them is prety useless on a MAc since it will still have the bugs Windows has which is running on a PC. Although i do reckon that a lot of the Mac buyers are misinformed.
If all you want is games, buy a (non-Apple) Windows machine. This appeals greatly to those who love the excellent UI and stability of a Mac, but also either like to play all those games you can't get for Mac, or have one or two Windows programs they have to use (such as narrowly focused Windows-only business apps).
Cabel, thank you for the post/video!
it's really still just PC GAMING
i'm still waiting for the day where you will be able to game on a mac
But the game isn't what we're excited about, anyway. It's what it's running on. The smoothness just about knocked me out of my chair.
Now I know what I must do.
*searches couch cushions for change*
(Not saying I'll get rid of my old macs! My Apple II, Classic and LC have their own dedicated shelf, and I still love them. But I think it's time to see if anyone can give my mirror door G4 a good home...)
One in the beginning after walking out the door and one just after the "dog" throws the car wreck. :P
hope its the best one yet
What I like about this is it demonstrates how easy it's going to be to port Windows games to Intel Macs, now that the hardware is essentially the same. Since most games write their own in-game UI from scratch anyway, it's just a matter of rewriting the code to launch the thing (assuming they're not DirectX-only, that is).
Sorry DC, it doesn't work at all like that. The hardware may be "essentially the same" but the most important thing -- the OS -- is most definitely not.
A VERY large part of any game porting job is dealing with cross platform issues, including innumerable endianess bug-hunts (remembering here that games also still have to run on Motorola chips for commerical reasons), compiler/IDE differences, API conversions, OS assumptions, etc.
Also, many games are indeed tied very tightly to MS technologies (and this situation is getting worse). This costs a LOT of time and a LOT of money to work around, re-engineer or reverse-engineer.
Simply put, if it were as easy as writing for Intel hardware, we would have seen a lot of PC ports already, since the release of the Macintels. And we haven't.
In fact, far from making it easy, I think the smart money is on PC->Mac ports dwindling in number. Given the history of porting to the Mac it is very safe to assume that many PC-centric game companies (i.e. almost everyone) will look at the cost of doing a port and then say "In the interests of providing a better customer experience we advise our customers to install WindowsXP on their Macs.."
Bank on it. :(
Thanks for posting videos of all of your awesome gadgets, by the way.
...and you've been running OS X on your Thinkpad too, right?
I didn't know anything about Half Life 2. In looking at the video... my god man... it appears to be nothing more than yet another first person shooter. Prettier graphics, but still just a FPS. How can people still get excited about that?
You're juding the game after looking at a 3 minute video? Jeeze.
except that Apple sells them highly overpriced,
"So, how long is it going to be until we can run OSX on a PC?"
Anyways. The next step may be fast user switching between windows and mac. But why not just start up the Win32 API on another partion and run it directly from within OSX? hmmmmm... now that would be sweeeettt as pie. lol
Only thing im concerned about and why i would not install OSX on Mac is the amount of viruses and backdoors you open your nice mac hardware up to.
Apart from this. yeh apple has done a killer job. nice one guys. i think they have exceeded everyones expectaions.
also, i'd like to add... IT'S HIDEOUS!!!! not hl2 tho, obviously...
Looks good.
Basically I'm thinking about buying a MacBook to replace my iBook G4 and I've not seen a great deal about the gaming performance (I'd kill for a few videos).
Keep up the good work Cabel!
2 gigs of ram
500 gig hd
and a 256mb x1600
this video was a huge boo-ya for me!
Thanks a ton!!
Very Impressive video! :P
Can it be done?
Sorry if this seems like a stupid question, but a lot of review sites have posts on the lack of right click on the MacBooks.
MacBooks have a single button on the mousepad, but can you use a USB mouse with two or more buttons with a MacBook (using Windows or Mac OS)?
(yes... I'm a Windows user who is seriously considering getting a MacBook).
ps. Thanks for the HL2 video!
i'm actually buying a iMac Intel in like 2 weeks so i am really exicited, as write now my computer lags when i was trying too... make a blog. Kinda sad really.
You also convinced me to get a DS lite, which i love more than ...love itself?
I went to an EB games and downloaded Meteos and some golf game, and i must say i was incredibly exicited with how easy it worked. Great stuff. Hopefully that will be how the WiiConnect24 thing from nintendo works. That would be cool huh?
that is they thing which will sway me.
The truth is while I do appreciate this solution to getting Half-Life 2 running a Mac I would appreciate a native solution. I don't want to have to reboot into Windows - its not why I chose an Apple. It would also be cool if they open sourced the original Half-Life so someone could actually make it run on the Mac.
Please, if anybody has any info, it would be greatly apreciated.
nice work!
framerate seems pretty solid, but what resolution/graphic settings are you running?
I'm looking to ugrade from my shite pc to an imac next upgrade (labor day they say), so I'd love to get all the details - thanks!
I always put off getting a G5 in the hope that one day they would manage to run HL2 on mac, finally that day is here!! horay!
play to Oblivion is really fast and cool !!
cheers !
I ordered windows Xp from newegg.com, and I will soon be playing Splinter Cell Chaos theory, Battlefield 2, Day of Defeat: Source, SiN: Episode 1, Half Life 2, and Oblivion, along with Unreal Tournament 2004.
Needless to say, I am extremely pleased. Never have I ever been happier with any piece of technology than I am with my iMac.
Bravo, Apple. I applaud thee.
I am thinking of getting a Macbook pro and i was wondering if i could run high end game like HL2. this concise me that the Macbook pro can be a all-in-one computer!!!
Thanks for the clip!
Can I play Oblivion?
It's horribly annoying. IF anyone gets a solution, e-mail me.
I have to say though, the xpsp3 performance under bootcamp(g5 dual core , 1gb)is superb - seems much better than a similarly specced PC.
They do look pretty as well.
Yeah, I'm a Windows XP SP3 user, but I know that Mac can use windows... How about Linux (for those people that get free OS's)?
Mac can have Partial compatibility with linux at the best.
Oh, and WINE is great, but there are some bugs within WINE
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