I.e., for most of you, tomorrow.
It's 100% first-come, first-served. And each store won't know how many they'll actually be able to sell until that morning. Awkward, sure — like some kind of goofy Price Is Right game. But without any crazy-skinny microphones.
So, what'll it be? Will you stand in line on Friday and put down a interest-free loan to guarantee yourself a solid Wii? (Shut up, Steve.) Or will you "risk it", and bank on a piece-of-cake launch day Wii-nanza at all of your favorite b-list retailers?
Who cares! See you at Pioneer Place!
like they don't have enough of it already.
First time I've ever considered pre-ordering a console. Not looking forward to waiting in any lines.
Now I'll have to make my flight on the 20th!
Oh please pleaseee!
I hate them enough to possibly deprive myself of a Wii on launch day. Prefer looking and purchasing from the "b-list" retailers, as you call them.
I won't mind waiting if I need to. It'll give me a chance to read up on everyone's first impressions of the console and games (esp. curious about Red Steel's control scheme).
I was fourth in a line that would grow to 20 or so.
At 10am the Gamestop dude came out and said they'd only have 4 Wii's for pre-order.
I am lucky.
Including pickles.
(I love pickles.)
So, I hope to post a couple of things soon, starting with a k790a phone review, and then a surprise video review, and then, god willing, long-delayed stories from Japan. Stay tuned!
I think bestbuy will be the best place to go for Wii on launch. There were like 5 lites on the shelf when I went there on launch. Hopefully Wii will be the same. There's a cool thingy that tells you how many Wii's your Target will have. Here's the link: http://wickedsick.org/wii_finder/
Just put your area code in the Search bar. Follow directions. You'll see a lit of numbuhs but the second to last one tells you how many Wii's there will be. I think my Target will have 81!
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