One of the fringe "benefits" — and I use that term extremely loosely — of working here at Panic are the times when Ol' Snacky Cabel decides to clean out the powerful and mysterious Panic New Snack Cache™. This only happens when a selection of new snacks has been safely earmarked for Noby and Kaori to taste-test (look for that Goodies page sometime in the next 4 years!), leaving a large quantity of leftovers, usually product duplicates purchased for hot-swappable snack safety, ready to be consumed.
For those who are curious, here's what that typically looks like:

Don't be fooled — those may look like bog-standard Reese's, Raisinets, and Kit Kat, but rest assured they are in fact Marshmallow Reese's, Dark Chocolate Raisinets, and Coffee Kit Kat. Mind blown, right?
Snack standouts this time around include the extremely mysterious Pringles Adobadas, the creme and comedy-filled Mini Dickmann's (courtesy Jessica Roberts via Germany), and a legitimately sacrilicious Chocolate Cross, left over from Easter. $1.99.
We also offer medical, vision, and dental. For what it's worth.
I have a panic sticker on my nalgene and everything.
Screw Seattle... I'm moving to PDX for the SNACKS!
P.S. I'm pretty sure I saw either you or your doppleganger at Uwajimaya in the snack aisle last weekend. Unless the avatar in your blog masthead is based on an actual person besides yourself.
Here's the kid's version. Don't you love how they are so proud of "over one pound of Candy!". Somehow "over one pound of sugar" wouldn't have the same effect. :-)
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