I should note that before even receiving the system, I was struggling with how to cover it here: I could do an elaborate video review, which lord knows would be fun, but it's a much harder thing than a Nintendo DS to "film" in a satisfying way, particularly when your professional video solution is a tiny digital camera. And sure, I could also take lots of pictures and short screens of the menus and such but, really, is there anything you guys don't already know about this system? I mean, really. So, I was stumped.
Then fate stepped in: my Wii broke.
Stop laughing. Almost immediately, it stopped ejecting any DVDs. Actually, it only successfully worked once. Zelda is now forever stuck inside the system. It's not the physical eject button itself — pressing it will instantly wake up the system when first plugged in — but rather, I'm assuming, the slot-loading drive mechanism. It just doesn't want to eject. I can't eject. No eject.
You might say, "Cabel, surely having a permanently-Zelda gaming system for all time is not the worst of fates!", and you'd be mostly right. But you must know me — I couldn't comfortably play the system knowing in the back of my mind that it's broken and, eventually, I'm going to have to send it in. Stress.
Thus, my Nintendo Wii has been sent in for repair.
I shipped it overnight (hooray, it fit in a FedEx box, with room for bubble wrap!), and Nintendo received it on Tuesday — 11/21/06. That's right, two days after launch. Yes, I'm crying as I type this. As of yet, there's been no status update on how the repair is going, which does not instill confidence. 12 days was the maximum quote, and I'll keep all of you posted. This should be an interesting test, if nothing else.
What I Can Tell You

There's only one negative. Owning an Xbox 360 and an LCD TV has kind of ruined me for high definition signals, and I do wish the Wii could go higher-res, any native widescreen signal will do. It's not even so much while I'm playing a game, to be honest, but the freakin' text — the menu text, the Wii Shopping channel text, etc., all blurred out and fuzzy and faux-squashed at the source and re-stretched on the TV. It's not really Nintendo's fault, as I completely understand why they did it, and it's way easier for me to blame Microsoft for supporting these damn high definition signals, bastardos. Still, I dream, and I'm sure I'm not alone.
Other than that?
I haven't had this much fun playing a game console since my parents drove up in the station wagon to pick my sister and I up from school and pulled back a blanket in the back seat to reveal a shiny new Atari 2600 that we played non-stop for months and months and that my grandmother (bless her sweet soul) continuously referred to as "The Guitari".
Everything about this system is a joy. The controller is so stunningly natural as a pointing device, and as a gaming device, and is so comfortable to hold with such great build quality and industrial design that it really does feel like you're using the future. On-screen typing is fast, navigating the menus is instant, everything just flows and pours from your hand into one screen to the next.
We spent hours — really, hours — just screwing around with creating our Mii's (tell me, why is this fun!?), then sending them to our friends and writing funny notes to each other over the internet, then using the photo browser to pop in memory cards and so very very quickly checking out our latest photos, then decorating said photos with goofytarded drawings and also sending them to each other, and all of that good stuff. And we hadn't even played a game yet.
Of course, Wii Sports is a genuine killer app, and the perfect pack-in title — the only title for the system that really makes good on the promise of what we might be experiencing consistently a year from now. Sure, the sports games are dead simple, and sure, they're about as "hardcore" as "Barbie Horse Adventures II: Totally Horsin' Around Specifically In A Paddock". That doesn't stop these games from being freakin' fun. Bowling is the true star here. Mike gets very serious when he plays. I like the tennis. Zelda — well, the first two hours, anyway, before I sent the system back :( :( — suffered a bit from some janky game design in the opening tutorial town (who fished what with the slingshot in the monkey basket now?), but once I was running through a field, swinging — swinging my sword, instantly aiming my slingshot, defeating weird enemies, and getting a touch of that Zelda Magic, I knew it was going to be amazing, and it makes this damn repair all the more unbearable.
Put simply, this system is pure fun in a beautiful tiny box.
The Help Cat

So, here's hoping my Nintendo Wii comes back from repair soon, at which point I'll get down to some serious winter time Zelda gaming.
Until then, I'd love to hear what you think of the system — I'll live vicariously through your vibrant tales.
I can't wait until you get a chance to try it and write up your impressions.
But at least you got to see The Help Cat! I'm pretty sure I saw a Help Dog, too (though my eyes were super tired last night). Who knows, Nintendo might just have an entire pet store inside the Wii!
Please tell me you at least got some Wii Play temporary tattoos. I got about 80 of them. :D
You have those cables, don't you? How much of an upgrade is it?
You are my favorite blogger on the entire internet.
You are one hell of a blogger. Love the Help Cat Video!
I grabbed my wii evening of the launch day and I flew back home (overseas) the day after. If I come across any mishaps with my wii (Thank God I haven't yet), I'll be doomed since it'll be near impossible for me to send it back to the US.
If I put it in short words, this is one perfect fun machine! It'll even get funner with more channels in near future.
Did you know Wi Sports (besides the 5 sports games) have a training section as well as a "Wii Sports Fitness Age" game a la Brain Age DS? That is soooo cool! I didn't realise that until the other day. My first fitness age was 58. Eeek!
I drove around town trying to secure one last Sunday morning and came up empty, but I somehow managed to get in on the very brief availability window at Amazon.
I am in complete agreement on the system--it's the most fun I've had playing video games in the last 20 years. The text bugs me, too, but my component cables should arrive tomorrow and I'm hoping that things will improve.
Best wishes for a speedy Wii-covery!
As somebody who still owns a SD TV, I'm somewhat glad that Nintendo didn't go HD (although it would be a great excuse to go for a nice HD LCD). I would be willing to bet that decision had a lot to do with keeping the price down, both in output chips and the GPU/CPU requirements.
Finally, here's hoping they get a handle on that disc mechanism and get your Wii back to you in good time!
But, good review. I can't wait to get my Wii for Christmas
So yeah, while component cables won't turn the Wii into a 360, it'll certainly make it much better than it is now. The composite cables look like absolute crap in comparison and I wish component cables were so difficult to come by at the moment.
Zelda is good, but I'm not terribly impressed yet. I've played about 6 hours and the game is totally linear. Wind Waker and Ocarina were not linear. Does this improve as the game proceeds? It also seems ridciously easy right now, although I'm told it gets much harder. I really hope so.
If anyone wants to trade Mii,s here my console number - 8059 4174 6015 0025.
Hope you get your console back soon Cabel!
You're brilliant. The Wii is brilliant.
I'm just so emotional right now. Gah.
I look at the Mii Channel a few times a day to see if anyone new has arrived in the Mii parade. My wife has probably created 30 Miis by now. She's played it nearly as much as the games. I was playing Madden 07 on an XBOX 360 demo station, and it was better looking, but laggy in the menus and pressing a button to throw just seems dull these days.
Okay, chasing the help cat. That's awesome! He's telling me things I would have had no clue to look for, but not making them clear. Now I need to load some movies up on the card.
...And the beehive.
Sad thing is, I can't catch any real fish. Darn lost cat, perhaps catching the helpcat will be more fun.
Hope your fixed (or new) Wii arrives soon!
As for me, I didn't preorder one. But luckily, I didn't come up empty-handed. Apparently in my town, camping at the local Wal-Mart for 9 hours will guarantee you a console. Fifth in line, baby!
So right, I only managed to snag Twilight Princess unfortunately. But it's no biggie because it can keep me entertained for the rest of the year, for sure. And that's on just exploring and the sidequests alone! (Fishing=pure awesomeness)
Maybe I'll eventually get around to beating the actual story...maybe.
Oh, and Wii Sports is awesome. Tennis FTW!
I'm kind of sick of the Sony/Microsoft cold war tactics of just stockpiling hardware to get the prettiest eye candy. I think at this point, even if Halo 3 is the freakin best game ever made, I don't think I'll buy a 360. The fact that Nintendo is innovating with the Wii, and all for $250, is awesome.
Hope your Wii-less stint ends soon, and I'm looking forward to any more impressions/reviews you do about Nintendo gaming goodness.
Well, at least it's Zelda and not Super Monkey Ball :-)
It rocks so hard that the very definition of "rocking" might need to be altered in the future to preserve the meaning of the adjective for future generations.
I assume this is the case for all early adopters - you probably just had to ask.
Cabel: if you produced a video podcast, I would totally watch it.
And a help system that you have to "catch" is a top-notch feature? Help should, you know, be helpful - not annoyingly obscure (by running away).
I'm really sorry to hear about your misadventure and wish you the best of luck in getting your unit back quickly. All those lovely hours of Zelda will eventually make up for this despair.
I would like to see a wii video review. The ones i saw is not as good as the ones you do. And we are in Brazil, so there is no wii's nearby (only the rich boys do own one!)
So make a review, at least with pictures!!
Good luck with the returning.
-Steven's mother
I hope your Wii comes back to you soon!
Sorry you are living my biggest fear--I was so afraid something would happen to my Wii before I could play Zelda...
Everything you said is so true...my wife is actually playing tennis and bowling with me. My brother-in-law and his girlfriend spent hours creating Mii's, and then playing Rayman.
Nintendo are geniuses...it isn't about the power or graphics, it is about putting fun back in the game(s). I feel like I am 14 again, only fatter and grayer...
Hope to see more of your reviews in the future!
Good stuff. Can't wait for the WII-moment when my three small boys unwrap it on Christmas morning. In no small part is my enthusiasm owed to your advocacy.
By the way, is it beyond coincidence that WII point of sale installations owe much to iMac design cues?
Yours, Pompous McPompous, Smugminster, UK
Zelda, after the third dungeon, becomes insane. Great game.
Please post your console number when you do :)
She's featured in the Wii News channel and has the added bonus of distracting you whilst the channel loads the news feed data.
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