Before I begin: yes, my Nintendo Wii has returned to me, safely, and upon its arrival I spent 15 minutes cradling it in my arms like a small child. Not really, but I'm so happy to have it back. And from Wii Day forward, I have been playing Zelda non-stop — this is a game that is so truly unbelievably good. It's one of those games you think about when you wake up, and look forward to when you come home from work. It's the kind of game where you can spend two hours just exploring. It's got some of the best character design and development I've ever seen in a game. Basiscally, I couldn't be happier.
But, friends: I'm not here to talk about Zelda.
A number of months ago, during the pre-Wii game drought, I partook in a little game cassette called Saints Row. Saints Row (plot: shoot stuff) was a pretty average game by any measure — for starters, it was literally, down to almost every detail, an exact clone of Grand Theft Auto. (I couldn't believe Rockstar didn't K.C. Munchkin all over their faces.)
Saints Row does, to its credit, have better graphics, a pretty good script, an amusing character creator, and better targeting (for better shooting people in the face).
It also has some bugs. The world's most awesome bugs.
So many bugs that I would keep my digital camera on hand while I played the game. And every time I came across a bug — and I came across a whole lot of them — I'd take a short video.
For a long time now, I've wanted to share these bug videos with you, but I wasn't convinced they were quite funny enough. They needed a hot comedy injection, a little something to tie it all together. And then it hit me: musical theatre. What better compliment to the rough and tumble world of Saints Row? (Mind you, I'm no professional musicarian, and, as noted previously, there's nothing more painful than hearing your own voice, especially when it appears to be singing.)
So, it's with extreme trepidation that I present to you, dear reader:
(Here's the ubiquitous low-quality YouTube mirror.)
Also, against all logic and reason, this blog post actually has a deleted song — a touching, soulful, tear-jacking ballad called

Keep an eye out for "Transmit! The Musical!", featuring the hit single "What's Up With My Proxy (Do I Need To Set Passive Mode?)". Joking.
I dugg this.
Great Radioheadesque mood in the end of the song.
Absolutely hysterical.
Incidentally, I can't say I ever saw any of these bugs playing Saint's Row.
By the by, Zelda is really pretty awesome.
Just, awesome.
(just to get my point across, who'd have thought Cabel Maxfield Sasser, co-founder of Panic Inc.could actually carry a tune?)
I hereby dub this feeling "zanbepdi", the CAPTCHA word I have to type below.
Time you could have spent coding a new app.
(fontti-intoilija: It's really more of a Queen feel)
I've been waiting for something to come along and entertain me for some time, but nothing has come up to the challenge.. apart from Buggy Saints Row.
You really should make more video content. The DS videos were informative and very funny aswell. You could call it Humoration. :D
Vice Kings!
Good stuff :D
PS. Dave, Zelda IS that good :p :)
Thank you, Cabel, for giving me joy and Damn you, Cabel, for being someone else.
Good Show.
funniest thing on the interweb this week. I was wrong. So, so wrong.
"Where's my F***in' Car" is destined to be a hit.
...why the hell not?!
That was fantastic. Very nicely done!
guess that says it all... great perfomance! ;)
I don't buy that!
absolutely brilliant.
if virtual High-Fives weren't so nerdy and out of date I'd give you one right now.
...oh **** it
*virtual high-five*
And for some reason you're wearing a sparkly purple shirt in said mental image. I'm so frightened.
Second what program did you use to edit the music? I assume you used something.
Also you seem to love Zelda alot and I like it but I just don't like it or games in general as much as I used to. Think I have depression?(I'm serious)
(sorry if this is a repost it didn't seem to go through)
And, you can sing pretty well :p
I think I'm going to have to buy transmit a second time, just for that video.. :)
peep it:
But yeah, Saint's Row is pretty damn buggy over here... even with the patches. The floaty/car disappearing one happens EVERY time i play it.
are you sure you're not a profession musicarian?
Also, would you please, PLEASE reivew the Lost board game? Please? Possibly even in musical format?
Also, more musicals on would make 2007 great. About anything, really -- what you had for lunch, wedding planning, how boing boing has too many ads, whatever. Just more musicals.
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And I've said exactly the same thing about Zelda. I have over 70 hours logged and I'm hardly to the fourth dungeon. That seems to annoy people, but I'm enjoying the game immensely, rather than just rushing through it. The dungeons are really a necessary evil to me, rather than the meat of the game.
Any chance of you putting up all the songs in MP3 format or something? ;)
I'd LOVE to add this "soundtrack" to my "Awesome Music Playlist"!
Amazingly good.
will you ever do a Wii Video review like you did on the DS Lite, cuz it was freakin' awesome...
Here's a mobile version for those who like to share, good till 8th Jan I believe:
Great work though, I love it!
Oh I'd love to see more stuff liek this. Bravo!
And to think you help create some of the greatest Mac applications as well... AND you have one of the greatest names in the world. You will from now on officially be my hero. Just wait for that stupid blog of mine to get real and I'll have rolling credits with you in it :P
But it is, against all odds, against any natural or aesthetic precedent, goddamn wonderful, and you sir are to be commended. Your 'What Is This Place' falsetto just about destroyed me.
Also: Thanks for Transmit. :)
Great stuff you've got!
anyway keep going with this succes!
You've made my day, good sir!
I offer this memory to the pile:
Driving in Saint's Row I rear-end, accidentally or not, another car . Now this action manages to thrust my front axle underneath the pavement. As you've noted sparks are flying as the game tries to remedy this, and it does - but pulling my front bumper down as well. My front side fenders succumb and my back wheels are lifted from the asphalt - I realized it's time to retreat.
I can only watch in awe as my car is pulled and wrenched on it's spark filled and jerky trip to the underworld.
A brilliant and talented video of a brilliant and rather bug-filled game. You sir have my Kudos.
I would normally ask for them back, but you can keep them.
Your old pal,
One good turn deserves another, so I upgraded to Transmit 3.0 today!
Keep up the good work whether you're making great software or musical theatre.
- j
Absolutely Brilliant.
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