It might go like this: if you, like me, frequently use Photoshop (and note that I'm only talkin' Photoshop here), and your latest file has about forty squidzillion layers, and you happen to be using an otherwise awesome Intel Mac, and you're gettin' a little tired of ridin' the Rosetta Express to Slowsburg, and you thirst for new feature hotness, then maybe, just maybe, Christmas might come a couple weeks early this year. (Maybe even, like, in a few days.)
Which is both totally shocking, and totally awesome. (OK, fine... shocksome.) And which you might have already heard, but Santa swears on it. Thanks, Santadobe
Or, barring that, does he have any startling revelations on what they'll cram into Illustrator this time?
Also, is there any chance you can adapt the startling Seer Santa into a widget? Or is it based on some fancy quantum algorithms that would require some sort of supercooled USB dongle?
"Bruce, what took YOU so long?"
Of course if he's right can we still smack him weeble wobble style?
1. Adobe knows Apple has got a photoshop killer on the way.
2. Adobe is afraid Apple has a Photoshop killer on the way.
Of course, both could be true.
A third option, I suspect, that this was some deal between Apple and Adobe. Apple gave them a ton of people and computers, Adobe agreed to have a beta out by MWSF.
Whatever the causality, something is afoot. Lumbering giants don't change their ways randomly. Corporate bureaucracy would never allow such a thing.
It'll go a long way to encourage all those creative pros who are sitting on the fence waiting for Intel versions of CS apps to finally purchase a MacPro or MacBook Pro.
I wonder what Adobe gets out of the deal, though?
Your Santa, Cabel, is better than mine... :-)
Pump up that pend-up demand, baby!
Why didn't they do it sooner? Converting a program from MacApp/CodeWarrior to XCode (and a relatively advanced programming environment to a primitive one) is a b*tch. They've got a lot of code and a lot of internal programming tools that allowed them to have ONE codebase for both Mac/PC. This ALL had to change. I'm amazed they are going to have anything at all.
Is it going to happen? Oh yeah. The website fiasco is a dead giveaway.
Is it going to happen before Christmas? Maybe. Before or at MWSF? Hell yes.
as a tester for Indesign CS3, I sure hope that Photoshop CS3 is a lot further along than Indesign which is still pretty shaky.
And thanks for the info, Santadobe! You came through.
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