Happy New Year, dudes and dude-ladies. A few followup Blog Bits™ and pieces to clear out of the brain.
Buggy Saints Row
For those of you who enjoyed my questionable buggy musical tour de force — or is that tour de farce! (hilarious) — I thought I'd pass along the songs in MP3 format, for your portable musical game bug comedy pleasure.Here they are:

Or, if you prefer, all in one archive:

Buggy Saints Lawrence
Last night I had the opportunity to be a guest on David Lawrence's The David Lawrence Show. We talked about two things: Buggy Saints Row and Panic's very own Transmit! "Whoah", you're saying. How do a corny musical and the world's most totally radical FTP client (full disclosure for journalistic clarity: TRANSMIT R GRATE) possibly relate to each other? You might be surprised by the results!Turns out that David was deeply involved in Saints Row. He was heavily responsible for the game script, was responsible for all of the in-game radio matieral, and even performed many of the voices (including Stefan!). And, as it doubly turns out, David used Transmit to send, via SFTP, over 11,000 (!) individual audio assets over to Volition, Saints Row's developer. He uses Transmit's "Save As Droplet..." feature to create a series of cute little Favorites droplets that live in his dock, so that he simply drags his various files into his dock and they go where they need to go. How cool is that? It's the circle of life!

Wii + PS3 = FIGHT
Have you noticed? PS3's are basically everywhere right now. Here's photographic proof: both Best Buy and GameStop were advertising ample supplies of 60GB PS3's. Les tells me he visited Circuit City, and, after inquiring about the Wii, had them steer him rapidly towards a stack of unsold PS3's. Hooray bottoming eBay market?Wii's impossible to find, PS3's easy to find: can this last? Is it all about the high PS3 price? Is it Wii buzz? Is it kids and Christmas? What will happen when both consoles are in ample supply and there's no major holiday around the corner? This will be interesting to watch. Here's my 6-month prediction: the X360 will be #2, the Wii #3, the PS3 #4, and of course, the PS2 will remain a mind-bogglingly, incomprehensibly, time-to-make-the-dumb-nuts #1.
I was at Target today in Delaware and they had a few PS3s in stock. But guess what all the customers were asking about? The Wii (which they had none in stock, by the way).
Oh how the mighty have fallen.
Keep on dominating this crazy series of tubes, Cabel.
I'm anxiously awaiting your first solo album, cabel...
Game over, MS and Sony. Game over.
And just for your information I have been repeating the line, "Where's my f*****g car??" over and over the past week. :p
As far as the Wii/PS3 showdown, I just saw four PS3s sitting on the shelf at my local Target this evening but not a single Wii, Wiimote, Nunchuck, or Classic Controller to be found. I must admit, as an extreme gadget geek it was tough for me not to purchase one, if only for the novelty of getting Linux up and running. But I must stay the course and maintain my vow not to support Sony on this one.
Although I am an all-time fan of Panic products, I sincerely adore your blog entries! Plus, there free ;-)
So, please, do go on.
You've got a great voice, great comedic timing and the musical accompaniment is so well rendered that it could easily compete with if not surpass the giants of Broadway themselves.
High praise, I know; but you deserve it. :)
Now, to divine the geographical location of my auto-vehicular transportation...
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