A couple of days ago, I got the following fast-casual promotional flyer in the mail:

One thing that I immediately noted (and commented on) was their copy: a bold call. (For a bold burrito?) By way of example, at Panic we try to generally err on the side of marketing caution — the world is full of many viewpoints, and we don't want to alienate — but even so, we once got an e-mail from a customer upset at our web-use of the term "kick-ass". Noted.
Today we headed to Baja Fresh to try out this magic new Diablorito. When we got there, though, the marketing had changed just ever-so-slightly...

Fantastic! "Uhh some stuff and also some things and don't worry about it also.. A LOT!"
The menu board featured an even more elaborate correction: an entire adhesive panel to replace the previous text.

Well played.
I'm a long-standing fan of sticker-fixes. Why pay to print an entirely new, corrected piece, when you can roll out old-school instantly hot-swappable physical bug fixes to every client using your distributed workforce? If I see a sticker-fix on packaging I will always, always peel it back to see what it was in the first place — it's usually insightful to see what gets changed and why. My previous favorite was a gaming peripheral that secretly revealed an entire back-of-a-box filled with 100% hilarious bad-English, but I think I have a new winner here...
El Diablo indeed!
Talking Point: do you think it would have remained unchanged/uncomplained if they had used "helluva" instead?
Personally, I'm surprised they didn't just sticker over the double-L with "ck" to have "a heck of a lot." Or maybe just go with it and say "a shitload of shrimp!"
One of the options used to be "Alaskan Cod". But now there's a sticker over it that says "Fish".
They've had some interesting marketing concepts like giving away free condoms with pizza (why!?).
And, to anonymous, regarding the condoms: I think condoms should be given out with _every_ fast food purchase, and I'm completely serious. Think about it. If condoms were as ubiquitous in kitchen cabinets and glove compartments as napkins and ketchup packets, there would be a lot fewer STDs and unwanted pregnancies.
And Cabel, when are ya gonna get an entry on your website about the new iPods? I remembered the awesome reviews you did for Nintendo DS Lite. Don't dissapoint your fans! *PEER PRESSURE... UHH... I mean... ONLINE-PERSON-THAT-YOU-DON'T-KNOW PRESSURE!* :-D
They should change it to "a big gurrito and biggishly good"
When the marketing department can't even decide why I want to see a movie, I give up trying.
"You'll fart" A Lot
& Devilishly Good!
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