Hey, here's something you've probably already seen!
Earlier this year I gave a talk (my first public presentation ever, actually!) at Johnny Rentzsch's intimate and engaging C4[1] conference in Chicago. Despite nervousness, it was really great fun. We had just recently finished Coda, and with one hour to fill and a lot of Coda-related things still swirling around my mind, I pretty much just started talking. What followed was a whole lot of hyper-warp thoughts about all things Panic.
I almost didn't post the video of it here because I think, subconsciously, this blog is a kind of cyber-vacation from work stuff, which explains why I talk about junk food and post dumb photos all the time. That said, I realize that you, dear reader, might actually be interested in these kinds of behind-the-scenes Panic things every now and then. And my parents probably haven't seen it either. So, uh, please enjoy!
Bonus Content! Here's my complete

I have to say I downloaded the Keynote file just so I could spot that air freshener in the Transmit truck myself!
We watched your presentation in the office at lunch a few days ago. We spend A LOT of time in Coda and enjoyed the insight into your design process.
And yes ... that was indeed the best Finder bug ever!
I've lately gained an interest in GUI programming and interface design after more of a web development background, and this was very interesting.
I actually went to sleep at 3 in the morning to watch this video yesterday and the day before...
Just a little tip, though : in Keynote, while in Fullscreen, just hit H and Keynote will fade away and leave you with Photoshop, then you can come back in Keynote with command-tab ! That will add some fluidity in your presentation...
Congrats !
Here's hoping I get another chance to watch a Cabel presentation!!
I seldom sit through video that's more than 15 mins but you've made it truly enjoyable.
Inspiring presentation too, being an aspiring UI designer myself. Thanks for sharing with the community.
I also love the power of layer effects on vector shapes, but really wish the vector tools were the same as those in Illustrator.
If I may, what did you (and Steve?) major in during college? Being a UI guy, do you have a some sort of art degree? Or perhaps something less specific?
I'm interested in everything from Cocoa to UI design to web programming to web design, and am planning on going into the horribly vague Computer Science program, and for lack of any better options at my school of choice (UC Santa Cruz), I just hope that I've made a good decision.
href="http://geebomac.newgrounds.com/news/post/104633">My site!
Also- how do you go about cloning vector shapes and spacing them in PS? Specifically the circles in the PSD.
I think your stance on anti-piracy is spot on. If MS and all the other evil WGA activate your software people did this i think there would be less piracy.
I especially loved the example about the guilt-trip messages.
To be honest, I loved your presentation style. You say nervous, I say authentic.
Hearing about all that went into Coda was amazing, and gave me a new respect for software developers, to be sure. I see so much more in every pixel now.
Another interesting (and welcome) side effect from watching the video: at random times, with no warning, the image of you at the podium saying, "Fetch sucks balls!" keeps popping into my head.
Thanks for making this available, Cabel. I've been a Panic fan for a while... and now, I'm a Cabel fan, too.
Awesome presentation. I'm doing some writing on startups and would love to have this video for my records.
Is there any chance I could download the source file?
btw, I hope that Coda will continue to be a 1.x product? I wouldn't want to spend $100 to find that I'd have to upgrade to version 2 too soon!
Once again, LOVING Coda. Now, where's the credit card.....
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