Good news! Microsoft recently released some very helpful tips for hosting your own Windows 7 party!
Can I just stop here, and can we be honest with each other? Does this kind of acting resonate with anybody? (As Steve noted, it's totally Shovin' Buddies!

Turns out, though, it's a lot more fun when you imagine these guys are helping you plan a... slightly different party.
(I apologize for this childishness. It's mostly this guy's fault.)
Next Time: Kashiwa Mystery Cafe. Seriously. I'm even done writing it!
Just wonderful.
Oh, wait, that wasn't even changed.
It's laced with a lot of innuendo (e.g. the sentence "There are bonus activities you want to go deeper into it and you have to have the equipment to do that"). And there's so much ambiguity about these 'activities' and none of them are actually named. As everyone can tell, there's something totally off about their whole conversation.
It's just as if the video's script was written perfectly so you could remix it to the fullest.
I love how whenever Microsoft releases a lame video (which is often), the apologists jump in to proclaim that Microsoft *meant* for it to be lame.
Um, riiight....
Because making yourselves look like complete tools is such a viral slam dunk, you know.
Kudos to Cable for taking this lameness and doing something worthwhile with it.
Whatever the case, the bottom line is that M$ are spending a crap load of money making terrible adverts that create negative associations. I hope they keep up the good work!
Microsoft has been making cringeable videos since at least the 80's, before viral video. The reason they get out the door so awful is the same as with their other products: their internal processes are so bad that it is impossible to do quality work. People go to work there intending to fix it and leave a year later disappointed that they weren't able to get anything done.
All his underlings simply stood frozen and looked for the next opportunity to 'answer an important call'.
Whites, blacks, senior citizens and women. . . still iffy.
Windows 386:
Well of course they made it on purpose. They're probably incapable of doing otherwise. :)
In 2007, during an interview with the Wall Street Journal's Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher, Bill Gates said he wished he had Steve Jobs' taste — more than a decade earlier, Jobs had declared that Microsoft just didn't have any taste. It's lacking from Microsoft's corporate DNA. That's why they're trying to buy "taste" by copying Apple's retail stores and then hiring away Apple Store managers and staff.
Need more proof that Microsoft lacks taste? This Windows 7 launch party video, as well as the other, earlier videos linked to by several commenters.
"Welcome to the Social." LOL
I hope realisation of all this comes sooner than the death bed, when the mind (the soul?) in an agonising bolt of illumination, sees all those lost opportunities, wasted life, when we allowed ourselves to be diverted from our relationships, from meaning, and love.
To quote the lyrics from a previous MS ad (as already referenced by another commenter, above), which ran under their slogan "Where do you want to go today?" ...
"When the damned are confounded, and consigned to sharp flames."
But then I tried that Windows 386 video (, now I want to rip my ears off.
I found the video at the Seattle PI
this ad, however, is not one of them. this ad is so bad it kicks itself in the ass. there is no smart marketing ploy behind this, its nothing more than a crime against humanity. i, for one, shall be complaining to offcom if i see this on british tv.
the bleeped version is pretty funny though XD
Again thanks for the laugh.
Stupid as it sounds, I think it MUST really be a real Microsoft video?
There's over a hundred of them in the launchparties channel on YouTube, about various aspects of Windows 7, featuring the same actors. And they're all in the same terrible style, with shaky camera and friends drinking, while learning about burning CDs or organising their porn collections.
These videos are hosted at, but they're created for Microsoft. The company has organized similar events, like an "Xbox for Women" home party event to flog game consoles outside the typical basement nerd set. HouseParty organizes corporate "tupperware party" events for lots of groups, from Barbie to chocolate brands. Using it for Windows 7 is just Microsoft desperately scraping the barrel.
I'm not seeing the other one because this is exactly how it should be.
WhiteDude: They are by letting you be involved!
I guess his *beep* is too big?
Is the Microserf demographic so lame they do not know how to have a party?
Jeepers....Buy a keg and improvise!
"I want to go deeper!"
But then I tried that Windows 386 video (, now I want to rip my ears off."
Maybe you weren't paying attention ... at 0:55 the lady says "I have 4 applications all running at the same time". Can Steve's iPhone do that in 2009 ? :P
"Never attribute to malice [or 'evil genius'] that which can be adequately explained by stupidity."
Given Steve Ballmer's infamous public antics and just about everything else originating from Redmond over the past two decades, can there really be any other explanation for this latest example of face-palming video production?
Secondly dear Cabel, your video made it to CNET's Buzz Out Loud Podcast (which is my favorite for a very long time).
Here's the link:
It's great to see two internet entities that I'm a follower of, meeting up in one instance.
Congrats from me. :)
twitter @HiBerke
After all, it worked well for the Nokia N-Gage and its "Sidetalkin'" feature! Look where that product is today!
I'm really happy for you... Imma let you finish but Kayne West had one of the worst publicity stunts of all time! OF ALL TIME!!
But I completely agree that the video is incredibly unpleasant and the concept of a Windows 7 release party with your friends is remarkably lame. I'd like to see a parody done with stoners and cokeheads or ex-Amway reps.
I applaud your commitment to giving out great information. Easy to read, engaging and spot on! Well done.Thank you for the note!
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